Strategy For zoology paper 2
Download e-books for Zoology for UPSC Mains examination
I am sharing my strategy for zoology paper 2, I am emphasizing
on ‘my’ word because this strategy need not to be foolproof and universal. I
should better use the word ‘jugaad’, this jugaad worked for me and so I hope
this may help you in creating your own customized jugaad.
Why optional papers are so important? Because they are going
to stay for IFS exam irrespective of any change going to be introduced in civil
services exams.
Let’s have a look on the detailed syllabus first:
I. Cell Biology :
- Structure and function of cell and ganelles(nucleus, plasma membrane, mitochondria, Golgibodies, endoplasmic reticulum,ribosomes and Iysosomes),
- celldivision (mitosis and meiosis),mitotic spindle and mitotic apparatus,chromosome movement.
- Watson-Crick model of DNA,
- replicationof DNA,
- protein synthesis,
- transcription and transcription factors.
II. Genetics
- Gene structure and functions;
- genetic code.
- Sex chromosomes and sex determinationin Drosophilla, nematodes and man.
- Mendel's laws of inheritance
- ,recombination, linkage, linkagemaps,
- multiple alleles, cistronconcept;
- genetics of blood groups.
- Mutations and mutagenesis : radiationand chemical.
- Cloning technology, plasmids andcosmids as vectors, transgenics, transposons,
- DNA sequencecloning and whole animal cloning (Principles and methodology).
- Regulation and gene expressionin pro-and eukaryotes.
- Signal transduction; pedigreeanalysis; congenital diseases inman.
- Human genome mapping; DNAfinger-printing.
III. Evolution
- Origin of life
- Natural selection, role of mutationin evolution,
- mimicry, variation, isolation, speciation.
- Fossils and fossilization;
- evolutionof horse, elephant and man.
- Hardy-Weinberg Law, causes of change in gene frequency.
- Continental drift and distribution ofanimals.
IV. Systematics
- Zoological nomenclature;
- internationalcode;
- cladistics.
I. Biochemistry
- Structure and role of carbohydrates,fats, lipids, proteins,amino acids, nucleic acids; saturatedand unsaturated fatty acids,cholesterol.
- Glycolysis and Krebs cycle, oxidationand reduction, oxidative phosphorylation; energy conservationand release, ATP, cyclicAMP-its structure and role.
- Hormone classification (steroidand peptide hormones), biosynthesis and function.
- Enzymes : types and mechanismsof action;
- immunoglobulinand immunity;
- vitamins and coenzymes.
- Bioenergetics.
II Physiology (with special reference
to mammals)
- Circulatory system
- Composition and constituents ofblood;
- blood groups and Rh factorin man;
- coagulation, factors and mechanism of coagulation;
- acidbase balance, thermo regulation.
- Oxygen and carbon dioxide transport;
- haemoglobin : constituents nd role in regulation.
3. Nutrition and digestion
- Nutritive Requirements
- role ofsalivary glands, liver, pancreas and intestinal glands in digestion and absorption.
4.Excretion and osmoregulation
- Excretory products;
- nephron andregulation of urine formation;
- osmoregulation.
- Types of muscles,
- mechanism ofcontraction of skeletal muscles.
6. Control and coordination (source- Tortora)
- Neuron, nerve impulse-its conduction
- synaptic transmission;
- neurotransmitters.
- Vision, hearing and olfaction in man. (Source-Guyton)
- Mechanism of hormone action.
7. Reproduction
- Physiology of reproduction, (Source- Guyton)
- roleof hormones and phermones.
III. Developmental Biology
- Differentiation from gamete to neurula stage; (source: Tortora's)
- dedifferentiation; metaplasia, induction,
- morphogenesis and morphogen; (source: Gilbert's Dev bio)
- fate maps of gastrulae in frog and chick; (source: kotpal's vertebrates)
- organogenesis of eye and heart, placenation in mammals. (source: kotpal's vertebrate)
- Role of cytoplasm in and genetic control of development;
- cell lineage;
- causation of metamorphosis n frog and insects; (Source- kotpal's vertebrates and anthropoda)
- paedogenesia and neoteny; ( source- kotpal's vertebrates)
- growth, degrowth and cell death; ageing; (Source: cell biology book)
- Blastogenesis; regeneration; teratogenesis;neoplasia.
- Invasiveness of placenta;
- in vitrofertilization; embryo transfer,cloning. ( source: wikipedia)
- Baer's law; evo-devo concept. (source: wikipedia)
This paper has very diverse topics. And the topics like cell
biology, physiology etc are such that we start studying these in school in
class 8th-10th itself and so we are very familiar with
these topics. It is the same golgi bodies or ATP or mitosis and meiosis that we
studied in class 9th is asked in the UPSC mains exam. So, the major
problem we face is that we don’t know what should be the level of the answer.
How much should our answer differ from answer writing a board exam or college
examination when question like structure of DNA is asked?This is where we are
The solution is answer should be very simple like a that of
student writing board exam but it should also cover almost everything (as it is
expected in general studies)- This can be done using flow charts and
diagrams(colored if one can manage).
For example: in one of the mock test in Evolution institute
question was asked write a short note of Genetics of blood group. And this is
the image of my answer copy.

The syllabus is divided into two parts:
cell and its organelles that can be easily
covered even from a book meant for PMT (Albert’s is just too vast). I have my
handwritten notes of this portion written in less than 20 pages. I will be
sharing them in the upcoming articles.
Cell division and chromosome movements, DNA
motifs, DNA structure, replication etc can be covered from books of genetics
and biochemistry like lehningers, Griffiths etc ( I am sharing the ebooks,
scroll down) and will also share my notes in upcoming articles.
It is very broad
topic, there is not one single book covering all of it. Find the link to the
folder ‘genetics’, it has several chapters individually covering topics like
mutagenesis, mendel’s laws etc and this can be supplemented with Griffiths( too
good for pedigree analysis, sex determination. This topic needs a separate article
as it is very interesting, scoring but tricky.
I tried to keep it very simple
using side books used for 11-12th class and Booklet of BN Pandey(This booklet came as a life saver at the time of revision).
Structure of carbohydrates (left
entirely as couldn’t mug up that much and was lucky that no question was there
from this portion), structure of lipids, proteins and nucleic acid
(satyanarayan’s book along with lehninger’s as lehninger’s have more beautiful
diagrams). No I didn’t try to remember structure of every amino acids.
Covered rest of the topics from
satyanarayan and Lehningers. Could able to cover less than 50% of the entire
biochem topics. Cycles are important (no need to remember the structures of the
intermediates), no need to study whole kuby for immunology even satyanarayan
has one chapter on it. I have made a few notes from selected topics (will share
them along with article on biochemistry)
I love this topic, because I love
making diagrams and I think this topic also fetch marks. Tortora is really a good book (ebook can be downloaded,
scroll down for the link). My notes will be also be uploaded soon.
Completely jugaad, mainly relied
on internet. Made a very few short notes for few topics. Can be covered using Gilbert’s. And topics like spermatogenesis can be
covered using tortora, fate maps and placenta in from kotpal’s vertebrates.
BNPandey booklet was also used for last minute rescue.
Again the trick was to focus
more on one section, I am more comfortable with section A, so my ‘jugaad’
permitted me to skip major portion of developmetal biology which I don’t like.
People having Zoology as the second optional : You may first cover the topics from any side book meant for PMT exams along with NCERT of class 11-12th if you are running short of time.
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For Strategy for zoology paper 1 Click here